Real-Time Safety Monitoring & Response

Detect threats, identify situations of interest, and orchestrate appropriate actions.
Infosys utilizes the Vantiq platform to monitor all infrastructure, coordinate alerts, and send notifications in real-time to ensure that the appropriate response is taken as situations evolve. With Vantiq, businesses can rapidly create real-time Safety Monitoring and Response Applications with the ability to sense, analyze, and act on numerous streams of data, providing situational awareness and allowing for effective real-time responses.
  • Situational Awareness - Enable real-time monitoring of the environment to automatically locate issues and orchestrate appropriate actions
  • Distributed - Ensure low latency (< 10 milliseconds), and resiliency of data with an Edge and Cloud-Native platform
  • Flexible Integration - Connect and correlate diverse data from numerous sources such as loT sensors, cameras, PLC/SCADA systems, third-party assets, and more
  • Agile - Rapidly develop applications in a matter of days or weeks and easily customize to adapt to evolving business needs
  • Scalable and Secure - Utilize Event-Driven Architecture to quickly scale applications across complex enterprise operations

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Application for Real-Time Safety Monitoring and Response Brochure

Reducing carbon emissions and ensuring safe operations are the two most important objectives of the Oil and Gas industry today. In order for the world to achieve its 2050 climate-change goals, oil and gas enterprises must transform.

As a leader in the Oil & Gas industry, Infosys has built a real-time safety monitoring and response application to help enterprises in the industry detect threats, identify situations of interest, and orchestrate appropriate action.

The application is built with the following characteristics:

Agile System Architecture :
The application was built on Vantiq's low-code development platform which allows for the rapid iteration/evolution of applications in response to unforeseen events, which in the Oil & Gas industry can mean the difference between life and death. Vantiq's dynamic architecture enables continuous deployment and ensures zero downtime of mission-critical applications. When changes or updates need to be made to one part of the application, the entire system does not need to be taken offline.

Digital Twin Technology:
By connecting Vantiq's streaming data analysis and real-time action with next-generation digital twin technology, Oil & Gas businesses are able to view all aspects of their operations in real-time. Operators can investigate the situation, order an evacuation taking into account wind direction and location of workers, and provide a suggested course of action to safely repair malfunctioning equpiment. This unlocks new avenues of operational intelligence to connect and run real-world environments.

Real-Time Responses:
By using real-time technology, streaming data is ingested by the Vantiq platform, analyzed, and acted upon if necessary. By only bringing in humans to make mission-critical decisions when a problem is detected, operators can focus on preventing disasters instead of responding to them.

  • Increased Operational Safety - This application can integrate many different technologies {GPS tracking of workers, thermal imagery, acoustic sensors, etc.) to paint a real-time picture of Oil and Gas operations. This allows Oil & Gas enterprises to recognize minor issues before they become major problems.
  • Decreased Risk of Catastrophic Failure - By moving to a real-time approach, the risk of a catastrophic event occurring is decreased and if such an event does occur, egress procedures are in place to ensure no human lives are lost.
  • Increase Situational Awareness of Mission-Critical Systems - By using a wide array of smart sensors and streaming the data into Vantiq, operators are immediately alerted of deviations and anomalies and can choose the best course of action to prevent a major accident.

"To further accelerate enterprises’ digital transformation agenda, together with Vantiq, we will help digitize the supply chain innovation for clients that will result in enabling smarter real-time economies." - Sourabh Roy, Director of Energy Digital at Infosys

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